Monday, 9 February 2009


Natural Game is the highest form of individual expression. Interacting with random strangers is our only chance to get real world, unadulterated feedback on who we REALLY are!

Natural Game with structure is NOT natural game. The moment anyone starts putting a structure around it makes it lost because there is no set way to take a man from A-Z in pick-up. Every guy in the seduction community can't be tarred with the same brush.

No.1 rule: No structure + No agenda

Remember if all male/female interactions emanate from this perspective, you can instantly disarm even the most intimidating beautiful woman.

Natural Game is the reality behind the appearance. It is about establishing an unspoken connection with her. A man to woman bond. heart to heart and beyond words is essential. You cannot do this with routines. Know that what exists within you is boundary less. It is being both in the moment, and on your path, willing to let her come with you along the way.

Becoming a Natural means we can say:

1. I follow my natural instinctual urges.
2. I have locked all underlying natural insinuations through firsthand experience.
3. I have supplanted deep inner natural presuppositions and behaviour.
4. I have a naturally flirtatious personality.

How is this done?

1. Understanding that the words and frame are massively less important than the sub communications you project.
2. Through ensuring that there is no difference between your ‘core’ persona and your ‘pickup’ persona.
3. By putting your real personality on the line.


On a narrow definition there are broadly 3 levels of game: (credit to Sebastian)

Level 1: The ‘What do I say’ Level.
People at this stage worry about the specifics of what they are actually saying and want to know how to ‘talk up’ their game using routines or crutches. What they don’t realise is that it doesn’t matter what you say, women only respond to how you make them FEEL. This is the absolute amateur level.

Level 2: The Frame Level.
What has changed is how you frame your interactions with women, you become aware that the frame you adopt can change the meaning of what you say and so going forward you try using some. Therefore less time is spent paying attention to your own words but rather the meaning behind them.

Level 3: The Sub Communication Level.
You realise that the words and the frame are much less important than your sub communications which are basically driven by the state which you experience and project. You become aware that women do not respond to what you say but how you make them FEEL. You start throwing away everything you know, just say 'Hello' and celebrate everything that excites you about them. It means a complete devotion to something that is infinitely larger than yourself or anything around you. When you are at level 3, set’s just smashed open; you will be able to spark interest from wherever you are by just turning up to places, and all the other guys around you are scratching their heads wondering how the hell you’re doing it without any obvious strategy. They will then go to the forums and post about you that they are getting crap advice to just go ahead and say 'hello, my name is X' because they don't understand it yet.

Core Persona vs. Pick up Persona
If you’re running out of things to say, it is because you are trying to sub-consciously match up to some girl ‘you’ve just met 5 minutes ago’ standards, rather than impose your own. This is the basic problem of relying on routines to a girl, because she can tell on some level you feel the need to impress her. The when you run out of ‘material’, after a few minutes, the gap will be felt between your CORE persona and your PICK UP persona, and this isn’t attractive.
Hint: There is no difference between gaming and not gaming - sarging and not sarging. This is True Natural Game.

Despite PUA perception, women can never truly be fooled. They have something that men don't and never will -- a strong sense of intuition. The minute you disrespect that about a woman, you're finished.

Put your Real Personality on the line.
Natural Game can be developed by putting your real personality on the Line. This fortitude is something you build through exposing your real personality and allowing your real personality to be rejected, constantly - until you reach the "Indifference Threshold”. I advised back in the day to escalate as much as was necessary until all fear and shame was destroyed. Once you reach that indifference threshold, your sub communication will take care of everything.

There is a train of thought which goes like this:

Community Guy 1
This guy is the sort of guy who goes up to a female assistant in a clothes shop and says "I'm looking for a jacket” and she looks at him like he is a freak but she is polite anyway, but she talks to him in a way that makes him want to leave the shop. There are certainly plenty guys in the community who are at this stage.

Going up to some girl and saying "Hi, I'm X, how are you doing?" in a nervous and expecting a negative response way is not going to do anything other than reinforce the previous poor experiences. They need to get used to getting a *positive* reaction from girls, to develop core confidence. However, by putting the real personality on the line, over time, they can get used to getting positive experiences and build their subcommunications up to a point where they become:

Community Guy 2
You've been in the community for a while and are well calibrated and socially savvy. You have very few limiting beliefs and are generally walking through the world with ease. You are used to getting good reactions and sparking interest in any social situation. You go into a clothes shop and say "I'm looking for a jacket" and the shop assistant's reaction towards you is very friendly (because of your great calibration, vibe and energy) and she is glad you walked through that door and into her life.

The Routine versus Natural Game Debate:
In my best assessment, people who believe they fundamentally lack something and need to compensate with 'material' or ‘lines’ will not find understanding natural game easy at all. This is a skill set that requires a lot of pain and effort to learn. If you won’t go through the pain in the first place you will get nowhere.

Routines/Canned game generally operate under the presupposition that the girl has higher value than you, so you need to raise your value and lower hers in order to get the girl. Girls detect these pre-meditated approaches a mile away. Natural Game presupposes you have the higher value so trying to alter the value dynamic isn't really relevant.

The head shouldn’t be full of 'what technique shall I roll out next' rather than full of the experience of the current moment. In other words, there should be no calculation, no strategising, and no expression of something that has been pre-rehearsed. Being present and in the moment is key. Do it. No personality shells. No situational based confidence. No crutches.

It's also the mindset...
‘So they talk to me, I have to body rock so I don't look too interested’
‘So she feels like she knows me for longer, I should do some future projections’
‘I hear that girls like to talk about this topic, so that's what I'm going to do, even though I find it boring’
‘I have to disqualify myself and make her qualify herself to me’
Fuck all of this. This is not natural game.

Don’t waste any time to destroy any naturally flirtatious personality you may have in order to make superficial friendships with people doing the above.

When guys first get into pick-up (as a result of the hype, I'm sure) they expect mind blowing results immediately and consistently - and few of these experiences are forthcoming. If you are using canned material to fill a gap, ask yourself why you are not filling it with something that actually matters to you. What is it exactly that you are afraid of expressing? Why can you not put your real personality on the line?

Students come into the game from months of internet-based study or practice only to find the routine models they have memorised are no match for the sheer diversity of situations arising in the real world. Their understanding of Game at this level shows a naive move with little foresight which doesn’t define longevity. Promises of the silver bullet, the pick-up artist who can get any girl remain elusively distant.

Good news, if you are willing to take a hit in skill and change in mind set, change is possible and you will enjoy spontaneous, unscripted interactions. Through experience, observation, honesty, and insight, natural habits (both verbal and non-verbal) can be built gradually over time. You may run into brick wall after brick wall before getting any real results but anyone with courage, conviction and drive to succeed will do it in no time!

I have shown you this is nice because you can just relax when you get girls without feeling you constantly have to 'perform'. Put the pick-up lines in a cage and don’t feed them. It is better to have natural game full of holes than not attempting any of this at all. Let the passion build naturally. DO NOT force it. Find your own rhythm. Create your own method and style based purely on in-field references. If you can so this you will be rockin’ the PU community next to none. The value you will start getting out of this way of life will be fucking quadrupling. Party times await. Never give up, never surrender. Nobody else will give you anything in this world.

Don’t be a Seminar Junkie / Keyboard Jockey


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