Gettin an Edge and being in state is a rare occurrence that happens in social situations when absolute belief in myself and social dynamics impact with each other and magnetise to put me in the 'zone'. Its influence is immeasurably positive.
State has taught me everything I know...and when it speaks, I listen. I remember the nights when I became amped and had almost no approach anxiety. I have access to the best parts of my personality and my sub-communication takes care of everything. Everything seems to be in slow motion and effortless. If there was a mirror with a hole in it, I would fuck it. My Edge rips my clothes to shreds. I just feel bad for the other guys in the room. I see all the minds in the room interacting with each other. Some will try to project incredible things onto me but I don’t buy into them. The halo of the Edge protects.
It is frightening to us in terms of its intensity and emotional truth and honesty. When it works - it works well but and when it works great - the results are magnificent. As it is developing emotional momentum, the Edge can burn out and may need reigniting. At the end of the night the Edge is shining and you’re out of your head. It will always be shimmering, waiting for the next time.
Once you've glimpsed the Edge there's no turning back. It will literally flatten out anything that get's in the way; anxieties, inhibitions, abrasiveness. When in this state you will be UNBREAKABLE. You have unstoppable super confidence. Normally either you overwhelm the scene or the scene can overwhelm you. In this state you would have set the scene on fire.
Unlike alcohol, visibly it does not make you sloppy or cloud your judgement but the net effect is still the same, you lose your inhibitions. Furthermore this is not an ego-boosting activity where the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train. I mean, are we so sure that it's wise to be building state which is addictive as crack-cocaine? Yes it is a highest form of natural expression and perfectly safe.
Don’t chase this state. It will come to you. In the meantime, enjoy a few quiet moments. They don't come often enough.
You may have not experienced it yet In-Field, but you will, oh you will..!
Feel free to comment on your experiences...
Michael - NYC
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Friday, 12 December 2008
7 Facts About Women
• Women don’t respond to what you say. Women respond to how you make them feel.
• Women are not just attracted to men. Women are attracted to IDEAS.
• There is a difference to what women say they want and what they actually respond to.
• Women are attracted to you anyway. You just have to make them comfortable with sharing that attraction with you.
• All women want to be on the receiving end of authentic communication.
• Women will like the REAL you, if they can get to know the REAL you.
• No women ever leaves the house thinking "I hope I don’t get swept off my feet today."
Thursday, 11 December 2008
We Pursue That Which Retreats From Us
--On a narrow definition:
In social dynamics – the following statement holds true; absence makes the heart grow fonder. It is sad but true, when a woman misses you, she wants you more. Human beings are hardwired to want what they can’t have. When two individuals meet, they are particularly sensitive as to whether the interaction is with a dominant, subordinate or an equal individual. In any interaction, one person is reacting more than the other. Once this view has been taken it becomes increasingly difficult to change or restore the balance. This is the cat string theory. If you hold a string above a cat, it will go crazy for you. It will do anything it can do to get the string, but the moment it has it, it soon gets bored and throws it away. The lack of something increases the desire for it.
--In a wider perspective:
The aim to have a positive interaction should be two steps forward, and one step back whilst always escalating. The mistake often is the belief that persistent presence will reassure a woman. However, the more obviously you chase a woman, the more likely you are to scare her away. Going forward, try to decide when to selectively withdraw. You won’t look desperate and needy, and the missing information about you suggests that there must be more to you. You don’t want her to be thinking, “Oh my god! Are we going to be stuck with this guy, all night?’ as this is un-seductive. You want her to believe that you are a man with options. Make sure however that you do fully commit to the interaction but create some value through scarcity. This may go against everything you’ve been thinking so far, but if there is ONE thing that you need to get right, it is probably this! Too much circulation makes the price go down. Anything in this game that is successful is counter intuitive:
Such neediness as described above includes qualifying yourself to the girl or constantly approval/reaction seeking which will destroy your value. Think if Brad Pitt was in the club. Do you think that Brad Pitt would qualify himself to anyone? No. He would just turn up. To quote the philosopher Lao Tzu, "Care about other people's approval, and you will be their prisoner." As you start to follow this principle, you will start to become detached from the outcome and just get on with having good, solid positive interactions. There is no pressure to build a strong value-laden relationship right off the bat.
This can be referred to as push/pull. Pull is when you're drawing her in and validating her. Push is when - you're showing something is not as important as she had made it out to be whilst still progressing to the forward movement. Punish any unwanted behaviour with disinterest until further rapport is established. This can often be done by just creating a vacuum of silence between the two of you, where she will feel the need to fill the gap if you have shown prior commitment to the interaction already. Note. You also need to be careful of your attainability to her. She should believe she has a shot to get you if she wants to.
In social dynamics – the following statement holds true; absence makes the heart grow fonder. It is sad but true, when a woman misses you, she wants you more. Human beings are hardwired to want what they can’t have. When two individuals meet, they are particularly sensitive as to whether the interaction is with a dominant, subordinate or an equal individual. In any interaction, one person is reacting more than the other. Once this view has been taken it becomes increasingly difficult to change or restore the balance. This is the cat string theory. If you hold a string above a cat, it will go crazy for you. It will do anything it can do to get the string, but the moment it has it, it soon gets bored and throws it away. The lack of something increases the desire for it.
--In a wider perspective:
The aim to have a positive interaction should be two steps forward, and one step back whilst always escalating. The mistake often is the belief that persistent presence will reassure a woman. However, the more obviously you chase a woman, the more likely you are to scare her away. Going forward, try to decide when to selectively withdraw. You won’t look desperate and needy, and the missing information about you suggests that there must be more to you. You don’t want her to be thinking, “Oh my god! Are we going to be stuck with this guy, all night?’ as this is un-seductive. You want her to believe that you are a man with options. Make sure however that you do fully commit to the interaction but create some value through scarcity. This may go against everything you’ve been thinking so far, but if there is ONE thing that you need to get right, it is probably this! Too much circulation makes the price go down. Anything in this game that is successful is counter intuitive:
Such neediness as described above includes qualifying yourself to the girl or constantly approval/reaction seeking which will destroy your value. Think if Brad Pitt was in the club. Do you think that Brad Pitt would qualify himself to anyone? No. He would just turn up. To quote the philosopher Lao Tzu, "Care about other people's approval, and you will be their prisoner." As you start to follow this principle, you will start to become detached from the outcome and just get on with having good, solid positive interactions. There is no pressure to build a strong value-laden relationship right off the bat.
This can be referred to as push/pull. Pull is when you're drawing her in and validating her. Push is when - you're showing something is not as important as she had made it out to be whilst still progressing to the forward movement. Punish any unwanted behaviour with disinterest until further rapport is established. This can often be done by just creating a vacuum of silence between the two of you, where she will feel the need to fill the gap if you have shown prior commitment to the interaction already. Note. You also need to be careful of your attainability to her. She should believe she has a shot to get you if she wants to.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Put Up, Shut up, Go Hard or Go Home! -- Mindset of a Successful Pick-Up Artist
If the Game is all about perception then I must be living to my expectations. It's rooted in my own sense of self. So what does excelling in both content and deliverance and walking around not giving the SLIGHTEST FUCK about anyone here do? It gives you a rock solid reality to own the frame. A reality so strong you can break rocks on.
I personally happen to think we should be more concerned with the usefulness than the truthfulness of our beliefs. Sometimes getting a girl to bed is like negotiating a minefield, only experience will teach you how to get through it. In the interim, here is the mapping of my own mindscape, a guide. You should create your own mindset based on first hand in-field references. You can start to break all sorts of rules and you’ll find you will get away with it. All great pick up artists have internalised these; they are the difference that of throwing a bullet, and shooting it from a gun:
ON REJECTION: I need to have no outcome dependency. Be Disconnected. WIN-WIN = THE perfect situation. I don’t take my sets too seriously. They really don’t faze me. If you get blown out you learn from it. As Rocky says “Life is not about how hard you can HIT, Life is about how hard you GET HIT and keep moving forward.” Add it to the body of knowledge that you have and take corrective action. Only recently have I discovered how important it is to always have a learning frame.
Most people who get into this fail. They do so because of various reasons all leading back to one character flaw - they are too willing to give up on themselves. I have no problem with ‘rejection’, as a matter of fact I like it as it keeps me humble. If it annoys you, remind yourself that you always have the excellent consolation prize of knowing that you needed to have balls to do what you just did. The fact that you are doing it is far more important than the reaction you get. By the way, Babe Ruth held the record for the most home runs in baseball history. Did you know he also held the record for most strike outs? Think about that.
ON EGO: The ego is vulnerable and a mind identified state constantly under threat. Surprisingly it is the ego which most often talked me out of approaching women, not fear. Most guys would rather save their current impression of themselves rather than go out and put it on the line and risk rejection. Your ego relates everything to a historic benchmark. When your current based reality doesn't match your past reality, your ego reacts resulting in unwanted behaviour. It creates an identity to resolve the paradox between your internal drives and desires - and idealised behaviour dictated by society & culture. So people build up their own self worth, value and especially their skills in their heads. They believe they are amazing and they create this false self based on nothing, no evidence of any kind to keep them safe from reality. Reaction/approval seeking and looking for validation are examples of feeding the ego.
Everyone has an ego. You can't kill your ego. Gradually eradicate it. It's damn near impossible to detach yourself from it. It's just an issue of how self-affecting your ego is and how much it consumes you. It's not there just to stop us getting what we want; it's there also at times to help us, to bolster us up and stop us from falling. However never let your ego disillusion you about what you've always wanted in life and what you care about. Never let pride hold you back. When I realised was this I was 1000000x better. Reset the ego button. And that is it. If you don’t approach her because of your ego, you’re cheating yourself and her.
ON FEAR: I want to summarise this simply with a quote from a Marianne Williams poem. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others” So true. That is all you need to know and internalise before making a cold approach to a woman. Putting yourself in scenarios that are more unpredictable will help.
ON BEING ALPHA: To sum up- Alpha male is leader of a pack, beta is the weak non-descript faceless fool that follows (credit to Cardenas). They are sheep. And sheep get slaughtered. A beta male just has no confidence in what he does. I don’t lose any battles when I set the terms. I think the word here is UNHESITANT. Most people stand aside when the alpha challenges. I regularly happen to quiz my ex-girl friends about what was it that attracted them to me. They normally tell me I am the most confident guy they have ever met. Even when discussing topics that they want to talk about, it’s all from my point of view. Note. When someone is actually an alpha male they will exhibit alpha traits but take time and effort in exuding humility. The result is respect and love from both men and women. When someone is ‘trying’ to be alpha they spend their time exuding alpha traits and forget humility. Net effect? Arrogance.
ON DESPERATION: Don’t be desperate or needy. A real life example of guys who cannot let go at any costs (Please God don’t let this ever be you) are adverts placed in the classified sections of newspapers: Example: “To the girl in the red top who smiled at me whilst going down the escalator at Grand Central Station: It was around 3pm on Friday afternoon. I was coming up the escalator and you were going down. I looked at you too and smiled. I was not able to say anything. If by some miracle you see this message, do please get in touch. Blew it - I'd really love to see you” Stupid, stupid, stupid. This is not even realistic. Let it go like a bad stink. Just forget that you smelt it and move on. The world is filled with abundance. Get out of living in this scarcity mindset.
ON POSITIVITY: Put in positivity and abundance and that is exactly what you will get back. If you honestly believe there are disadvantages to being positive then you need to ask yourself why. When I am speaking with a girl I assume attraction. An important belief that I have is that ‘I honestly believe that I am the best person for her’. I have no doubt in my mind. This is why I go through girlfriends like most people go through packets of cereal. When we start learning seduction, we start by layering positive beliefs on top of the negative ones in the hope that we altogether kill the negativity. It was about keeping a positive outlook and reaching for the impossible. Subsequently I have few or no negative beliefs about women either. I figured out that viewing the world as a war zone is a big sign that inside you’re still pissed off at the world. Belittling/putting others down to make yourself feel better will only destroy your value. Avoid. No problem is permanent.
Enthusiasm is valuable & energising. Most people look at their current circumstances and deem certain things impossible. If you believe something can be done then you stand a much greater chance of actually doing it. How many hot babes would give you their number if you said something like "I doubt it, but if you were interested, maybe you would go out with me" None. However approach the same aim with a positive mind and you will improve your chances.
WOMEN ON MEN: Have you guys stopped to think that women actually want to be seduced? And not necessarily for a serious relationship but for a one-night-stand and casual sex as well? This is an important belief. I’m talking about projecting sexual state and conveying sexual intent. Yes, I based my game around this and I was very, very good. By building a sexual platform, girls were clawed, key locked, number closed, and amazingness ensued. I actually have a friend who had sex from a wrong number just by continuing to talk to her. If you don’t believe me just read My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday.
ON SOCIAL CONDITIONING: We all already have what's necessary to get what we want - it's buried under piles of negative experiences, limiting beliefs and social programming. People try to project incredible things onto me but I don’t buy into them. Popular culture, family life, school etc. I cordially dislike any form of pretension or judgement based perception of social status, physical appearance, possessions etc. Height, money, penis length, job are all common misconceptions by guys of things that actually matter to a women. 95% of women are not fussed about these things. So you should forget about them too.
Example: In Scarface, Tony Montana says when you get the money you have the power, then you get the power you get woman. In reality though, looks and money don’t get you laid. The guys who spend thousands of dollars on bottles of Dom PĂ©rignon each night in nightclubs to impress girls go home and have an expensive wank. Pete Doherty (heroin addict/small time rock star) gave us all hope when he dated supermodel Kate Moss and his example serves the purpose.
Bench press the World guys. And if you don’t believe in all this Inner Game stuff here is a gentle reminder; One day looks will fade, but a beautiful mind will stay young at an old age. Inner game is king.
I personally happen to think we should be more concerned with the usefulness than the truthfulness of our beliefs. Sometimes getting a girl to bed is like negotiating a minefield, only experience will teach you how to get through it. In the interim, here is the mapping of my own mindscape, a guide. You should create your own mindset based on first hand in-field references. You can start to break all sorts of rules and you’ll find you will get away with it. All great pick up artists have internalised these; they are the difference that of throwing a bullet, and shooting it from a gun:
ON REJECTION: I need to have no outcome dependency. Be Disconnected. WIN-WIN = THE perfect situation. I don’t take my sets too seriously. They really don’t faze me. If you get blown out you learn from it. As Rocky says “Life is not about how hard you can HIT, Life is about how hard you GET HIT and keep moving forward.” Add it to the body of knowledge that you have and take corrective action. Only recently have I discovered how important it is to always have a learning frame.
Most people who get into this fail. They do so because of various reasons all leading back to one character flaw - they are too willing to give up on themselves. I have no problem with ‘rejection’, as a matter of fact I like it as it keeps me humble. If it annoys you, remind yourself that you always have the excellent consolation prize of knowing that you needed to have balls to do what you just did. The fact that you are doing it is far more important than the reaction you get. By the way, Babe Ruth held the record for the most home runs in baseball history. Did you know he also held the record for most strike outs? Think about that.
ON EGO: The ego is vulnerable and a mind identified state constantly under threat. Surprisingly it is the ego which most often talked me out of approaching women, not fear. Most guys would rather save their current impression of themselves rather than go out and put it on the line and risk rejection. Your ego relates everything to a historic benchmark. When your current based reality doesn't match your past reality, your ego reacts resulting in unwanted behaviour. It creates an identity to resolve the paradox between your internal drives and desires - and idealised behaviour dictated by society & culture. So people build up their own self worth, value and especially their skills in their heads. They believe they are amazing and they create this false self based on nothing, no evidence of any kind to keep them safe from reality. Reaction/approval seeking and looking for validation are examples of feeding the ego.
Everyone has an ego. You can't kill your ego. Gradually eradicate it. It's damn near impossible to detach yourself from it. It's just an issue of how self-affecting your ego is and how much it consumes you. It's not there just to stop us getting what we want; it's there also at times to help us, to bolster us up and stop us from falling. However never let your ego disillusion you about what you've always wanted in life and what you care about. Never let pride hold you back. When I realised was this I was 1000000x better. Reset the ego button. And that is it. If you don’t approach her because of your ego, you’re cheating yourself and her.
ON FEAR: I want to summarise this simply with a quote from a Marianne Williams poem. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others” So true. That is all you need to know and internalise before making a cold approach to a woman. Putting yourself in scenarios that are more unpredictable will help.
ON BEING ALPHA: To sum up- Alpha male is leader of a pack, beta is the weak non-descript faceless fool that follows (credit to Cardenas). They are sheep. And sheep get slaughtered. A beta male just has no confidence in what he does. I don’t lose any battles when I set the terms. I think the word here is UNHESITANT. Most people stand aside when the alpha challenges. I regularly happen to quiz my ex-girl friends about what was it that attracted them to me. They normally tell me I am the most confident guy they have ever met. Even when discussing topics that they want to talk about, it’s all from my point of view. Note. When someone is actually an alpha male they will exhibit alpha traits but take time and effort in exuding humility. The result is respect and love from both men and women. When someone is ‘trying’ to be alpha they spend their time exuding alpha traits and forget humility. Net effect? Arrogance.
ON DESPERATION: Don’t be desperate or needy. A real life example of guys who cannot let go at any costs (Please God don’t let this ever be you) are adverts placed in the classified sections of newspapers: Example: “To the girl in the red top who smiled at me whilst going down the escalator at Grand Central Station: It was around 3pm on Friday afternoon. I was coming up the escalator and you were going down. I looked at you too and smiled. I was not able to say anything. If by some miracle you see this message, do please get in touch. Blew it - I'd really love to see you” Stupid, stupid, stupid. This is not even realistic. Let it go like a bad stink. Just forget that you smelt it and move on. The world is filled with abundance. Get out of living in this scarcity mindset.
ON POSITIVITY: Put in positivity and abundance and that is exactly what you will get back. If you honestly believe there are disadvantages to being positive then you need to ask yourself why. When I am speaking with a girl I assume attraction. An important belief that I have is that ‘I honestly believe that I am the best person for her’. I have no doubt in my mind. This is why I go through girlfriends like most people go through packets of cereal. When we start learning seduction, we start by layering positive beliefs on top of the negative ones in the hope that we altogether kill the negativity. It was about keeping a positive outlook and reaching for the impossible. Subsequently I have few or no negative beliefs about women either. I figured out that viewing the world as a war zone is a big sign that inside you’re still pissed off at the world. Belittling/putting others down to make yourself feel better will only destroy your value. Avoid. No problem is permanent.
Enthusiasm is valuable & energising. Most people look at their current circumstances and deem certain things impossible. If you believe something can be done then you stand a much greater chance of actually doing it. How many hot babes would give you their number if you said something like "I doubt it, but if you were interested, maybe you would go out with me" None. However approach the same aim with a positive mind and you will improve your chances.
WOMEN ON MEN: Have you guys stopped to think that women actually want to be seduced? And not necessarily for a serious relationship but for a one-night-stand and casual sex as well? This is an important belief. I’m talking about projecting sexual state and conveying sexual intent. Yes, I based my game around this and I was very, very good. By building a sexual platform, girls were clawed, key locked, number closed, and amazingness ensued. I actually have a friend who had sex from a wrong number just by continuing to talk to her. If you don’t believe me just read My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday.
ON SOCIAL CONDITIONING: We all already have what's necessary to get what we want - it's buried under piles of negative experiences, limiting beliefs and social programming. People try to project incredible things onto me but I don’t buy into them. Popular culture, family life, school etc. I cordially dislike any form of pretension or judgement based perception of social status, physical appearance, possessions etc. Height, money, penis length, job are all common misconceptions by guys of things that actually matter to a women. 95% of women are not fussed about these things. So you should forget about them too.
Example: In Scarface, Tony Montana says when you get the money you have the power, then you get the power you get woman. In reality though, looks and money don’t get you laid. The guys who spend thousands of dollars on bottles of Dom PĂ©rignon each night in nightclubs to impress girls go home and have an expensive wank. Pete Doherty (heroin addict/small time rock star) gave us all hope when he dated supermodel Kate Moss and his example serves the purpose.
Bench press the World guys. And if you don’t believe in all this Inner Game stuff here is a gentle reminder; One day looks will fade, but a beautiful mind will stay young at an old age. Inner game is king.
Monday, 1 December 2008
Christian Troy
Unreactive. Detached from the outcome. Masculine polarity. Demonstrates higher value.
Sunday, 30 November 2008
The Tao of Edge
(Being Present and in the Moment)
Being present is consciousness liberated from thought forms.
It is total freedom from the known...
The masks are off!
A large component of natural game is being able to turn off the voice in your head (i.e. monologue /mental noise). This voice complains, comments, likes, dislikes, judges and compares. It is the voice which talks you out of approaching women or makes you nervous and persuades you to leave a conversation early. This mindset makes a guy see the present through the eyes of the past or imagine negative outcomes in the future. This is the Tao. And this has been particularly key to my progress.
Have no pick-up lines or routines in your mind! In my best assessment, people who believe they fundamentally lack something and need to compensate with 'material' or ‘lines’ will not find understanding this easy at all.
I learned that whenever you are able to observe and watch your mind, you are no longer trapped inside it. The moment you realise you have not been present, you become present. But the instant your conscious attention sinks below a certain level or the outer world intrudes, thought rushes in. The words crawl in, the stillness is lost and you have a snap moment! You are back to being in a zombified state. This is best exemplified I believe after sex, where the physical sensations/orgasms are finished by a CLICK moment.
This energy can be tapped into in pick-up. Approach anxiety or quick ejection from talking to a hot babe is caused by the same thing; by not being in the moment. Unfortunately sometimes we start to talk ourselves out of approaching or start to leave. So thought creates an interval which is time and time waits for no one. All you have to do is take action before you can think of a way to fuck it up...
In this instance if you are thinking when you want to approach a woman, you usually do one of 3 things:
1) Think about all the times you've been rejected- Past
(Every emotional pain leaves behind a residue of pain that lives on in you. Anything can trigger it, even an innocent remark)
2) Think about how it is going to go with ‘mental movies’ - Future
(Avoid. The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future and usually the future is a replica of the past/present)
3) Your body freezes, your heart pumps very hard, you feel weak in your knees etc.
(These are the physical sensations which everyone can relate to in some manner when thinking about it too hard)
The above can be avoided by entering the present from wherever you are. As long as you are in a state of intense presence, you are free of thought. You are still, yet highly alert. You have full access to the best parts of your personality and your sub communication will take care of everything. If you can just become intensely conscious of the present moment and find the off button, you will find stillness and peacefulness to break through the approach. This is natural game in full force. It is true relationship.
Such 'presence’ is like being trapped with a poisonous snake in a small room; you watch its every movement, you are very, very sensitive to the slightest sound and hiss it makes. You are aware of the silent presence of each thing and to the danger but there is no new thought. Such a state of attention is total energy; in such awareness the totality of yourself is revealed in an instant.
This does astonishing things for your ability to relate to other people and socialise comfortably. It will be reflected in your body language; women can see from your pupils that you didn’t retract into your head. All people just want to be on the receiving end of this authentic communication.
Pulp Fiction Example:
Then the first of an uncomfortable silence happens.
Don't you hate that?
Uncomfortable silences. Why do we
feel it's necessary to yak about
bullshit in order to be
I don't know.
That's when you know you found
somebody special. When you can
just shut the fuck up for a minute,
and comfortably share silence.
There is a brief and elusive glimpse of ‘no mind’ whenever there is a gap in the stream of mind. Think of a time with someone when there is an emotionally tense moment – e.g. after an argument or after a conversation where you reveal something particularly vulnerable about yourself. There is moment of electricity, followed by a silence, where you both look at each other. You see each other in a different light and share a rare form of communication. There are no longer 2 minds interacting with each other. There is a flash of insight which leads to the destruction of all the prejudices and images you created which block the true relationship.
If you really want to exercise these muscles and become present, ask yourself questions when reading this. Do I really know the people I am talking to? What is really going on and what is this person really like? E.g. does my congressman secretly get whipped by his mistress?
The easiest way to get out of your head is to get into someone else’s. I suggest that the way out of your head and into the moment is to place all of your attention on the other person. In order to un-stifle yourself - See yourself in all people..
The only peace you find in an interaction with a woman is the peace you bring with you.
Inner Game is King.
Michael - NYC
Being present is consciousness liberated from thought forms.
It is total freedom from the known...
The masks are off!
A large component of natural game is being able to turn off the voice in your head (i.e. monologue /mental noise). This voice complains, comments, likes, dislikes, judges and compares. It is the voice which talks you out of approaching women or makes you nervous and persuades you to leave a conversation early. This mindset makes a guy see the present through the eyes of the past or imagine negative outcomes in the future. This is the Tao. And this has been particularly key to my progress.
Have no pick-up lines or routines in your mind! In my best assessment, people who believe they fundamentally lack something and need to compensate with 'material' or ‘lines’ will not find understanding this easy at all.
I learned that whenever you are able to observe and watch your mind, you are no longer trapped inside it. The moment you realise you have not been present, you become present. But the instant your conscious attention sinks below a certain level or the outer world intrudes, thought rushes in. The words crawl in, the stillness is lost and you have a snap moment! You are back to being in a zombified state. This is best exemplified I believe after sex, where the physical sensations/orgasms are finished by a CLICK moment.
This energy can be tapped into in pick-up. Approach anxiety or quick ejection from talking to a hot babe is caused by the same thing; by not being in the moment. Unfortunately sometimes we start to talk ourselves out of approaching or start to leave. So thought creates an interval which is time and time waits for no one. All you have to do is take action before you can think of a way to fuck it up...
In this instance if you are thinking when you want to approach a woman, you usually do one of 3 things:
1) Think about all the times you've been rejected- Past
(Every emotional pain leaves behind a residue of pain that lives on in you. Anything can trigger it, even an innocent remark)
2) Think about how it is going to go with ‘mental movies’ - Future
(Avoid. The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future and usually the future is a replica of the past/present)
3) Your body freezes, your heart pumps very hard, you feel weak in your knees etc.
(These are the physical sensations which everyone can relate to in some manner when thinking about it too hard)
The above can be avoided by entering the present from wherever you are. As long as you are in a state of intense presence, you are free of thought. You are still, yet highly alert. You have full access to the best parts of your personality and your sub communication will take care of everything. If you can just become intensely conscious of the present moment and find the off button, you will find stillness and peacefulness to break through the approach. This is natural game in full force. It is true relationship.
Such 'presence’ is like being trapped with a poisonous snake in a small room; you watch its every movement, you are very, very sensitive to the slightest sound and hiss it makes. You are aware of the silent presence of each thing and to the danger but there is no new thought. Such a state of attention is total energy; in such awareness the totality of yourself is revealed in an instant.
This does astonishing things for your ability to relate to other people and socialise comfortably. It will be reflected in your body language; women can see from your pupils that you didn’t retract into your head. All people just want to be on the receiving end of this authentic communication.
Pulp Fiction Example:
Then the first of an uncomfortable silence happens.
Don't you hate that?
Uncomfortable silences. Why do we
feel it's necessary to yak about
bullshit in order to be
I don't know.
That's when you know you found
somebody special. When you can
just shut the fuck up for a minute,
and comfortably share silence.
There is a brief and elusive glimpse of ‘no mind’ whenever there is a gap in the stream of mind. Think of a time with someone when there is an emotionally tense moment – e.g. after an argument or after a conversation where you reveal something particularly vulnerable about yourself. There is moment of electricity, followed by a silence, where you both look at each other. You see each other in a different light and share a rare form of communication. There are no longer 2 minds interacting with each other. There is a flash of insight which leads to the destruction of all the prejudices and images you created which block the true relationship.
If you really want to exercise these muscles and become present, ask yourself questions when reading this. Do I really know the people I am talking to? What is really going on and what is this person really like? E.g. does my congressman secretly get whipped by his mistress?
The easiest way to get out of your head is to get into someone else’s. I suggest that the way out of your head and into the moment is to place all of your attention on the other person. In order to un-stifle yourself - See yourself in all people..
The only peace you find in an interaction with a woman is the peace you bring with you.
Inner Game is King.
Michael - NYC
Friday, 28 November 2008
They All Want To Be Porn Stars (explicit)
A World Class inner game post from my friend of 6 years Daniel Cardenas off The London Seduction Society. Re-produced with kind permission:
There are only two fears you are born with:
Fear of loud sounds
Fear of falling
Somewhere down the line, someone screwed a few of you over and told you that you have to be scared of women. There is no need to be scared. I’m going to let you in on a secret:
All girls want to be porn stars. That’s right they are all little filth pots that want to get down and dirty. I hate to have to be the one to break it to you but your old dear loves nothing more than getting bent over and slipped a hard one. It is the same with every girl you meet- she wants to get bent over. Loves it.
But they don’t want to be the instigator of the filth. No girl wants to be viewed as a slut or dirtier than you. Therefore they have to be led through the process. We already know this. They must be led from the moment you meet them and even in your bedroom, because they do not want to feel like the pervert. So have you got to assume that role for them, in the same way that they want to be seduced rather than thinking they picked you up. Women are passive in all aspects of the mating ritual. It is rare that girls will run up to you and say “Here is my number, take me out and fuck me on the 1st date”. They are all hardwired this way.
Surprisingly, you’ll find it is very common for women to have “rape fantasies” (Read “My Secret Garden” if you don’t believe me). What does that mean? All chicks are mad? No, it is an extension of their passive nature; this is the extreme form of being led, the complete submission of control. It is the extension and sexual manifestation of their social programming, i.e. the submissive and passive role of the female in sexual encounters.
Now we know girls are filthy and want to be dominated how do we go about capitalising on this?Build a platform for filth. They play up to it. The idea is to create an atmosphere through sexual stories (most of which may not be about you) that convey that no matter how dirty she is, it is nothing to what you have seen. This is your reality. A stage has now been created for her to perform on, to be extremely sexual and filthy.
Has this tactic ever made me look like a pervert and driven the girl away? On the contrary, the girl feels less inhibited and has an outlet for all her sexual fantasies because no matter what she says or does, it does not beat anything I have said or done. However, being highly sexual and blasé about your experiences is not to be confused with being a sleaze. That is why stories are the best way to approach this. Never be a salivating pervert.
All the deviant shit I have done, I have never been told “You sick bastard, don’t you ever come near me again with that”. In fact the opposite- “Oh that was so naughty/dirty, so much fun”.I gave a facial to my one of my GF’s the other week- she was smiling ear to ear after. This girl comes across as so sweet innocent; you would think butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, let alone my nuts melting on her face. You would be surprised by the difference in what they really want and what they tell you they want.
Your ability to dominate is going to be determined by your mindset. So in this instance (using this frame), I am convinced that the girl wants to be experience a spontaneous sexual encounter because all girls do. She wants me to take her home and do all the dirty she stuff she fantasises about, but her chump boyfriend is too timid to do. She needs this fuck more than I do. As far as I am convinced it is an interview- make me want to fuck you and fulfil those fantasies for you. You will squirt cum and remember me forever.
Do not confuse any of this for a lack of respect. Respect and trust play a massive part in all of this- women only submit themselves to men that they can trust. There is nothing more intimate for a woman than a man physically entering them.The reason I do well is because I am effectively a sheep on wolves clothing, in that I am quite boyish in my looks and comes across as very sweet and respectful (I shit you not, I get told this by every woman I meet!). However, when I need to I switch into captain caveman I do. I bring out my club, bash them over the head, drag them to my cave and fuck their brains out.
Build trust, show you respect her. Then once you have trust – caveman and lead.Why? Because she wants you to.But don’t take it to the other extreme and display too much respect and be afraid to dominate because you have placed her on a pedestal. Kick that girl off her pedestal and bend her over it. Remember you are the fucking prize and doing her a favour.Become an outlet for her fantasies. By doing so I maintain control, I never supplicate- she is a porn star dying for the bang, she needs me to carry out these fantasies.Literally as I am writing this I just received this message_“I just love how naughty u look u have no idea how much I get turned on just thinking about how cheeky your smile is. It makes you feel like you can do anything to me at anytime” I have not told you this to brag but to illustrate the point I am making. By having the frame that she wants to be a porn star but needs to be led, I assume the dominant role in order to lead her to that place where she feels comfortable and horny enough to have anything done to her at anytime.
Conclusion: I am not encouraging you to up the nastiness of your bedroom activities (however, it is more fun). I am trying to illustrate the point that all girls want to be treated like porn stars. They want to be seen as sexual beings that turn you on and make you want to tear her clothes off. They are just as filth as you and I. But you have to lead her. This is the same for the initial pick up. From the moment you meet her, you have to understand that she wants to be dominated. She will not offer herself to you as a sacrifice to the Gods.
We have to make the approach
We have to lead the conversation
We have to lead her home
We have to make the first move
We have to dominate and up the stakes in the bedroom
Lead her through the conversation, lead her to your bedroom; lead her in your bedroom. Grow some balls, bend her over. She wants it- deep and hardWhy not? Scared of blowing it? Blow what? Captain Caveman her for fucks sake, hit her on the head with your club and take her back to your cave. Blowing it means getting nothing- if you don’t try it on you will always get no pussy and that is blowing it. Always finish what you start. If you don’t shoot you can’t score goals.
Women want to be picked up and are socially/genetically/evolutionary (you choose) programmed to be submissive in the mating ritual; therefore you have to initiate control of the situation. In other words BE A MAN ABOUT IT!
If you don’t close her she will go home thinking about you and wondering why you didn’t make a move! Probably thinking that she did something wrong or that you did not find her attractive.
Below is a transcript of an actual series of emails that I recieved last year that went unanswered.. The Game became a dangerous obsession for a girl I barely knew but became obsessed about me.
I have posted this because I would like to know more about the mindset that goes through this person. Let me know, if you have any thoughts on it.
February 4 at 9:23pm
Thanks for ignoring me one million times. I know you don’t have to answer me, I know you don’t owe me anything, but just be a little bit kind. Don’t you think it’s strange you’re still in my brain? I do. Don’t you want to be rid of the strangeness? Doesn’t it creep you out? Isn’t it weird? All you need to type is “get over me”. That’s all I need to hear. I need peace in my brain.
February 15 at 9:06pm
oh. i thought you were waiting til valentine's day to tell me that you love me. it's ok, you can still do it now if you want.
February 20 at 5:35pm
i want to have your children. just think how good looking they would be with both of our looks combined. so what do you think? good idea/bad idea?
February 21 at 3:03pm
well done for being in new york, be careful not get to get shot or mugged.
i can't believe you erased those special memories you and i had together, like they never happened. there is one simple way to make me go away, so stop being an arsehole and do it. if you're as deep and philosophical as you claim to be you would understand the concept of empathy. maybe you're just shallow. probably that.
February 21 at 5:13pm
Ok ok this is the last time you will ever hear from me, which you will be pleased to know. I think the reason I’ve found it so hard to let go is because I never told anyone or you how I felt about you. I think if I get it off my chest, I’ll be able to get my closure. So here it is.
You should know that there were a lot of things I didn’t like about you, but I still loved you, and was in love with you, wholly and completely, for years. And I really would’ve done anything to be with you. You were all I thought about every day and it kind of took over my life.
You should also know that the biggest regret in my life is that I didn’t get to know you. At Richmond I was going through some weird phase where I think I was trying to prove a point, which point I don’t know, or can’t remember. It was important at the time. Anyway. Have a nice life. Hope you get your million pound house.
Then just when I thought this was the end of it, 2 weeks later it starts over...
March 4 at 8:31am
i hope "lavashak" isn't the name of a woman. i can't get over you. i still love you. i want to cook for you and take care of you. I love you . hurry up and say it back.
March 8 at 10:48am
I love you more than mangoes.
It's true.
March 10 at 12:13am
your face is more beautiful than the first lambs of spring, frolicking in pastures green.
it is true when they say that sarah loves michael.
March 11 at 11:53am
Your eyes are warm and brown like two pots of curry.
Your smile makes me feel warm inside like I’ve just eaten curry.
Basically, you remind me of curry, and I love curry. But I love you more.
March 12 at 9:23am
Your smile is sweeter than the sound of children’s laughter as they lick lollipops made of stardust and moonshine and skip about in meadows, catching butterflies and making daisy chains.
March 13 at 9:51am
Your eyes are like two glowing lumps of radioactive radium, shooting off photons of iridescent light, illuminating my world.
March 14 at 10:08am
Actually, I've got Prince of Persia for my Nintendo. It's a good game
as it goes, have you played it? There's this one really hard level
though that I can't get past. It's not because I'm rubbish or
anything, I asked everyone and they said it was the hardest bit in the
whole game. It might be easier when I get a Wii and you can use the
controller like a sword. But then, I've been thinking lately and maybe
I shouldn't get one, I've got loads of work to do and it will take up
too much of my time. What do you think I should do?
March 15 at 9:33am
Did you know that Elephant & Castle is full of crazy-weirdo people? One time last summer, this guy was walking around in a balaclava and it was about 35 degrees or something. But he was also wearing shorts, so he must've known it was hot. There's a rehab clinic opposite my office and there's this guy who sits gazing out of his window into our office. One time he was walking around naked and started pissing into (what we thought) was the sink, but was actually a cloth in the sink, which he then picked up and started licking.
It's a lovely day, isn't it?
March 16 at 4:26pm
I saw a cloud today which looked like a naan and it reminded me of
you. I miss you.
March 18 at 10:05am
hey. watcha doin? are you ever going to email me back, i just want to know you're alright.
March 20 at 11:13am
Have you ever had a moment of inspiration like in the films where the clouds part and the light comes streaming through? I did yesterday. Thanks for not blocking my email address for these past two weeks of me sending you these pesky emails. I needed to vent.I realise now (finally!) it would never work between us (even if you were interested I mean).
Hope you find peace in yourself. Good day.
God bless America
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Natural Game Seminar 2 - NYC
"The ultimate goal of the Edge is that its members achieve theirs. The Edge exists so you can achieve your goal and help others achieve theirs."
Next month I will be holding a Natural Game Seminar featuring some unexposed and talented PUA’s in New York.The Seminar will be FREE, 2 hours long and followed by optional night game. The basis will be my own natural style, so expect some new ideas :-D
Provisional Date is Sat 31th Jan 2009, 7:00 to 9:00pm, New York City, Location TBA.
Rewind to Summer 2006, our first seminar in London. We were the first teachers of natural game operating out of London, UK.
Listening back to the seminar, it was far from perfect: we missed parts out, told our experiences in a rush and even left sentences unfinished. Yet the immediate feedback we got included:
"If you held bootcamps I'd pay for one"
"More charismatic than David DeAngelo"
"Look at the atmosphere you've created"
"I connected with you as soon as you told your Tube experience"
"A brilliant thing you did for the community; altruistic and truly genuine - which is the best one can hope for in life."
"Great seminar guys, + karma for you guys!"
"Who the Fuck are the Edge?" Sheriff, Mystery Method Instructor (typical lol)
Everyone who PM'd me about this should now have received an invitation. If you would like to come please confirm this. If I forgot someone please PM me.
Next month I will be holding a Natural Game Seminar featuring some unexposed and talented PUA’s in New York.The Seminar will be FREE, 2 hours long and followed by optional night game. The basis will be my own natural style, so expect some new ideas :-D
Provisional Date is Sat 31th Jan 2009, 7:00 to 9:00pm, New York City, Location TBA.
Rewind to Summer 2006, our first seminar in London. We were the first teachers of natural game operating out of London, UK.
Listening back to the seminar, it was far from perfect: we missed parts out, told our experiences in a rush and even left sentences unfinished. Yet the immediate feedback we got included:
"If you held bootcamps I'd pay for one"
"More charismatic than David DeAngelo"
"Look at the atmosphere you've created"
"I connected with you as soon as you told your Tube experience"
"A brilliant thing you did for the community; altruistic and truly genuine - which is the best one can hope for in life."
"Great seminar guys, + karma for you guys!"
"Who the Fuck are the Edge?" Sheriff, Mystery Method Instructor (typical lol)
Everyone who PM'd me about this should now have received an invitation. If you would like to come please confirm this. If I forgot someone please PM me.
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